Public Projects

Bids Due in 37 days
4/17/25 2:00pm
RFP - Rolling Hills Pump Station Power & Pump Improvements
Bids Due in 37 days
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The scope of work generally involves providing mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering services for the Rolling Hills Pump Station Power and Pumps Improvements (Project).
Bids Due in 14 days
3/25/25 2:00pm
Cement Hill WTP New Entryway Project
Bids Due in 14 days
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The Suisun-Solano Water Authority (SSWA) Cement Hill Water Treatment Plant (CHWTP) New Site Entrance Project is located at the CHWTP at 1200 Manuel Campos Parkway in Fairfield, CA, and includes, but is not limited to, the following: grading and paving of the CHWTP access road and pond berm, installation of drainage and sewer utilities, and installation of a new physical access security system.
Bidding Closed
3/4/25 2:00pm
RFP - CDBG Lee Bell Park Restroom
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The City of Fairfield is seeking qualified and experienced consulting firms to provide engineering design, bidding, and construction support services for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Lee Bell Park Restroom Project. This Request for Proposals ( RFP) has been designed to ensure that engineering design services are procured pursuant to a fair, competitive selection process based on demonstrated competence and the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required.
Bidding Closed
3/4/25 2:00pm
RFP - CDBG ADA Curb Ramp Replacement
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The City of Fairfield is seeking qualified and experienced consulting firms to provide engineering design, bidding, and construction support services for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ADA Curb Ramp Replacement Project. This Request for Proposals ( RFP) has been designed to ensure that engineering design services are procured pursuant to a fair, competitive selection process based on demonstrated competence and the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required.
Bidding Closed
3/11/25 2:00pm
West Texas Street Complete Streets Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
Bidding Closed
1/23/25 2:00pm
RFQ - General Contractor Services for Fairfield Fire Stations 36 & 39
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The City of Fairfield (City) is seeking qualified and experienced Contractors to provide general contracting services for the Fairfield Fire Station 36 & 39 projects. This Request for Qualifications ( RFQ) has been designed to ensure that Contractor services are procured pursuant to a fair, competitive selection process based on demonstrated competence, experience, bonding, licenses, and the overall qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required.
Bidding Closed
11/12/24 2:00pm
Fairfield-Vacaville Hannigan Train Station Parking Lot Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The work under this contract is located at the Fairfield Vacaville Hannigan Train Station. The Project improvements include the installation of a new asphalt parking lot, electrical improvements for future installation of electric vehicle chargers, landscaping & irrigation improvements, and all other work as shown in the contract documents. Construction is anticipated to begin in early spring of 2025.
Bidding Closed
11/5/24 2:00pm
Heart of Fairfield Downtown Texas Streetscapes - Phase 1B
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The work under this contract is generally located along Texas Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and Jefferson Street in Fairfield, CA. This is Phase 1B of a larger project. The work to be performed consists, in general, of demolition of existing trees, tree wells, and pavers, and installation of new trees, irrigation, concrete paving, salvaged brick pavers, sculptures and pad foundation, relocated trash receptacles, and all other work as shown on the contract documents.
Bidding Closed
11/6/24 2:00pm
Linear Park Node 4A - 2030 N. Texas Recreation
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
2030 N. North Texas Street, Fairfield, CA
Bidding Closed
9/24/24 2:00pm
Waterman WTP High Lift Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA